Extra Large Carvings

Extra Large Carving - Mask (about 3 x 4 H inches) - Labradorite

Extra Large Carving - Mask (about 3 x 4 H inches) - Labradorite

Extra Large Carving - Mask (about 3 x 4 H inches) - Labradorite..

Extra Large Carving - Owl (5 x 2 x 3.5H inches) - Amethyst

Extra Large Carving - Owl (5 x 2 x 3.5H inches) - Amethyst

Extra Large Carving - Owl (5 x 2 x 3.5H inches) - Amethyst..

Extra Large Carving - Owl (8H Inches) - Silver Obsidian

Extra Large Carving - Owl (8H Inches) - Silver Obsidian

Extra Large Carving - Owl (8H Inches) - Silver Obsidian..

Extra Large Carving - Owl Family (4.5 x 4.5 inches - 2.5 inch H on Owl, 0.5 inch H on baby Owl)

Extra Large Carving - Owl Family (4.5 x 4.5 inches - 2.5 inch H on Owl, 0.5 inch H on baby Owl)

Owl Family (4.5 x 4.5 inches - 2.5 inch H on Owl, 0.5 inch H on baby Owl)..

Extra Large Carving - Rhino (5.5 x 3.5 H inches) - Aventurine, Lepidolite, Rainbow Jasper

Extra Large Carving - Rhino (5.5 x 3.5 H inches) - Aventurine, Lepidolite, Rainbow Jasper

Extra Large Carving - Rhino (5.5 x 3.5 H inches) - Aventurine, Lepidolite, Rainbow Jasper..

Extra Large Carving - Rhino (5.5 x 3.5 H inches) - Fluorite Green, Fluorite Purple, Sodalite, Moss Agate

Extra Large Carving - Rhino (5.5 x 3.5 H inches) - Fluorite Green, Fluorite Purple, Sodalite, Moss Agate

Extra Large Carving - Rhino (5.5 x 3.5 H inches) - Fluorite Green, Fluorite Purple, Sodalite, Moss A..

Extra Large Carving - Rod of Asclepius ( about 4 inches in Height) - Several Stones Available

Extra Large Carving - Rod of Asclepius ( about 4 inches in Height) - Several Stones Available

Extra Large Carving - Rod of Asclepius ( about 4 inches in Height) - Several Stones Available..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 1.5 inches in Height) - Pyrite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 1.5 inches in Height) - Pyrite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 1.5 inches in Height) - Pyrite..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2 inches in Height) - Howlite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2 inches in Height) - Howlite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2 inches in Height) - Howlite..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.5 inches in Height) - Green Jasper

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.5 inches in Height) - Green Jasper

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.5 inches in Height) - Green Jasper..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.5 inches in Height) - Rhodonite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.5 inches in Height) - Rhodonite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.5 inches in Height) - Rhodonite..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.7 inches in Height) - Hematoid Quartz

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.7 inches in Height) - Hematoid Quartz

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 2.7 inches in Height) - Hematoid Quartz..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) - Fluorite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) - Fluorite

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) - Fluorite..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) with Snake - Fluorite (Green)

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) with Snake - Fluorite (Green)

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) with Snake - Fluorite (Green)..

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) with Snake - Fluorite (Purple)

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) with Snake - Fluorite (Purple)

Extra Large Carving - Skull ( about 3 inches in Height) with Snake - Fluorite (Purple)..

Showing 16 to 30 of 35 (3 Pages)